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Manual Software Testing 

LyonQA was born from a deep background in Manual Software Testing. While we believe that quality assurance is more than just software testing, we know the importance of dedicated QA and the difference it can make to product excellence. 

Our team combines critical thinking, user perspectives, and social emotional intelligence to elevate software testing. Our meticulous testing procedures not only reveal hidden bugs but also proactively identify potential issues before they integrate into your codebase. By anticipating challenges early on, we safeguard your software's integrity and minimize costly setbacks. Below is a list of our manual software testing services. 

User Acceptance Testing

We take Acceptance Testing a step further than your typical outsourced quality assurance shop. We not only test using your provided acceptance criteria, we also critically evaluate the acceptance criteria itself to evaluate if anything is missing, if anything is out of date or does not match your design standards, and what else is at play. Test case documentation ensures all parties (devs, Product, fellow testers) know exactly what is to be tested/was tested, and provides the structure for retests to be conducted following the same test framework.


Our UAT process includes: 


  1. Review of AC and functionality 

  2. Documenting test scenarios - using Gherkin 

  3. Questions to Product or Devs as applicable before testing 

  4. Testing 

  5. Documenting test results and any additional issues seen

  6. Passing, Failing, or marking ticket Blocked 

Regression Testing 

We believe that all quality software development requires regular regression testing. 

When merged with existing code, new development often leads to regressions in the code. 


We recommend a High Priority Regression is run at the end of each sprint, before Staging code is pushed to Production. These High Priority regressions cover the highest-risk areas of your application, and ensure confidence prior to release. 


Knowing that High Priority Regression testing does not touch all parts of your product, we recommend Full Regressions are run on a quarterly or bi-annual basis. This ensures deeper coverage of the product, and brings to light features that may be more bug heavy. 

Accessibility Testing

We believe in inclusivity and improving the overall experience and quality of the software. Including accessibility testing into the software development process ensures legal and regulatory compliance, an enhanced user experience and builds a brand reputation of inclusivity. 


Using WCAG requirements, we provide a customized report detailing accessibility errors and overall compliance scorecard.

Examples of Use Cases:

Text contrast 




QA Insights

We believe that the real value in quality assurance is found before QA even starts testing.


By including QA upstream in your development process, our team can help you identify issues before they become code. 


The real power in quality development comes in the synergy between Product, Development, and QA. When the three can work together to bring their unique lens to the product we see development costs decrease, development speed increase, and fewer bugs developed and retests needed. 

We recommend partnering for QA Insights and including QA in shaping meetings, sprint planning, retros, etc. 

Smoke Testing

When a new feature is pushed to production there may be a moment of stress or panic until you can verify the feature is functioning and no code has regressed. We provide reassurance through smoke testing to verify primary user of feature flows are functioning as expected and no major defects are appearing. We recommend a Smoke Test is run after code is pushed to Production. These pre-defined test cases cover the highest-risk areas of your application, and ensure confidence after release.

Exploratory Testing

When beginning Exploratory testing, we encourage testers to leverage their creativity, critical thinking skills, and domain knowledge to design tests that uncover defects and validate assumptions.


Exploratory testing focuses on the user experience and user interactions within the software application. Our testers simulate real-world usage scenarios and explore the application from the perspective of end-users with varying backgrounds, helping to identify usability issues, user interface inconsistencies, and areas for improvement from a user-centric standpoint.



Customer Complaint Analysis

We see Customer Complaint Analysis as a key process in understanding your user experience. Lyon QA recommends partnering with your Customer Service team, or holding complaint analysis on our own, to review and categorize all customer complaints. From there we work to recreate the issue, do a root cause analysis, and assign severity. These issues can then be integrated into your backlog, pulled into the current sprint as severity calls for, or picked up when time allows.

Cross Browser &

Mobile Testing

With most consumers operating on mobile devices, it’s crucial to be testing your platform on multiples devices. Based on client’s consumer analytics, we provide testing coverage across multiple devices and browsers to ensure your platform is meeting your expectations with all consumers in mind.


Our testers validate the application's responsiveness and adaptability across various devices with different screen sizes, resolutions, and orientations.

Design Verification

We believe design verification plays a critical role in ensuring the successful realization of a product design, ultimately contributing to customer satisfaction, regulatory compliance, and business success. By verifying the design integrity and performance upfront, companies can enhance product quality, mitigate risks, and accelerate time-to-market.


Design verification aims to identify and rectify any design flaws, errors, or inconsistencies early in the development cycle, minimizing the risk of costly rework or product recalls later on.

Serving as the "voice" of the user

Quality products are not just bug-free products. They are products that are intuitive to the user and have uniformity throughout the application. Our team approaches all of our testing from the lens of the user.  Thinking about your online tutoring app as a tutor, as an administrator, and as a parent and student. Or your med tech app as both the clinician as well as the patient. 


We bring our ability to imagine how a user would actually use the product to complement your Developers and Product's ability to see how it should be used. We often find those wonky user scenarios that, when frustrated, a user is going to turn to. 

Interested in partnering with LyonQA? Learn about our Discovery → Service Pathway, to ensure we're the right partner.

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